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Primo User Guide

How to use the Library Catalog

Understanding an Item's Record Entry

Once you've retrieved a list of search results and picked out one you want to examine more closely, understanding a resource's record can be a little overwhelming. This page will help you make sense of what you'll see when you choose a resource from the results list to decide if or how you want to procure it.


Viewing an Item's Record and Details

Record Navigation

On the left-hand side of the record, you'll see an outline of the sections within it. Click each one to jump to that section. Click "Top" to jump to the top of the record.

Top Section - Brief Result Information

  1. Resource type & icon: The type of resource, and a quick-reference icon for that type. Sometimes this icon is a thumbnail of the cover of the item instead. Examples of resource types are: book, newspaper article, DVD, and more.
  2. Title: The main title of the resource.
  3. Author or Creator: The entity responsible for the creation of the resource. This is usually a person, but it can be a company or a group of people as well.
  4. Publication information: The name of the publisher and the date the resource was published.
  5. Availability: A quick glance at whether the resource is available to you at your library.
  6. Pin to Favorites: Click the pushpin icon to save this record to your favorites and look at it later. If you aren't signed in, your favorites will disappear when you close the browser window!

Sharing Options

In this section, there are icons showing the ways you can share or save the result for later. These options vary by library, but the most common options are described below.

Email: Click the envelope icon to send this result to an email address.

Permalink: Click the link icon to copy the permalink to your clipboard and paste it somewhere else. A permalink is a link that goes directly to this result.

Citation: Click the quotation marks to generate a citation for this particular resource, selecting your preferred citation style. Always double-check your citations!

Print: Click the printer icon to generate a PDF with the result's information to either print out or save to your computer.

Get It / View Online

This section has to do with accessing the resource. The name of this section varies depending on the different methods of access - be it physical, electronic, or an item your library doesn't own.

For physical items, the "Get It" section is shown with information about the item's location within your library. You'll see the library's name, the location within the library (for example, First Floor), and the call number. Use this information to find the item on the shelf and check  it out. You can also see request options here.

For electronic items, the "View Online" section is shown with links to access the resource. Some resources will have many access links, others only one or two. Any link will work to access the resource - it should open in a new tab in your browser, straight to the provider of the item, whether its a newspaper, database, or journal.


In this section, you can find more detailed information about the resource, such as additional authors, titles, subject matter, and identifiers like ISBN, ISSN, and DOI. Click on any piece of information that is hyperlinked in blue to search for resources that also have that information in their records.

Virtual Browse

Click the left and right arrows to see items that are next to or near this item on the shelf, whether it's a "virtual" shelf, for things like ebooks, or a physical one! Click on the thumbnail of the item to be taken to its record.


At the bottom of the record, you'll find a link to display the source record, well as links to any related resources. Related resources can include a table of contents, publisher's summary, electronic versions of a physical item, and more.

Citation Trail

Some resources have information about the various ways it has been cited or the various other resources that it has cited itself.

Cited By: Click the red up arrow to see results that have cited this result in a references section or bibliography.

Citations: Click the red down arrow to see results that this result cited in its own references section or bibliography.